Adult Day Services

Mission Statement
Adult Day Services mission is to teach adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities pre-vocational skills as well as independent living skills.
BCDC’s Adult Day Program offers periodic services for adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities living in Washington, NC and the surrounding areas.
BCDC offers facility-based work program designed to teach adults with developmental disabilities marketable job skills and industry accepted work habits, as well as communication skills and social competencies which enhance the individual’s ability to live and work independently. The ADVP program serves as a paying job in which consumers are paid based on their productivity.
Supported Employment vocational services are also available to those who desire to learn vocational skills to obtain employment within the community in integrated work settings.
For those not interested in vocational services, BCDC also has a Community Inclusion program. This program centers around activities such as utilization of community resources, recreational and leisure activities, social skills development, and training in daily living skills.

These programs may be provided
through the following service delivery options:
- Day Activity
- Day Supports (Innovations Waiver)
- Community Living Facilities and Services
- Supported Employment